Sniff Seattle - Seattle Bellevue Dog Blog

May 12, 2012
Sniff Seattle Supports King County Metro Transit

King County Metro Transit, Sniff Seattle Bellevue Dog Walkers, Bus Board
We're on the bus! (Photo by Jeanna from Sniff Seattle)

Umm, yeah, that just happened.

That was us whippin' the "uey" yesterday on Elliott Avenue and pulling behind the number 18. All to snap a pic of our new bus board — and that cute Bulldog!

Okay, so we're a tad excited about our Spring and Summer special, "ONE WEEK FREE!*" And we've joined forces with the bus people to spread the word. Sniff Seattle is a proud supporter of King County Metro Transit.

And the Bulldog? Well, that's Numchucks! He's a Rock Star. But, you already knew that when you saw his pic.

Greg Valentine