Sniff Seattle - Seattle Bellevue Dog Blog

May 16, 2011
Jeanna's Journal #4: The Phone Call

Search and Rescue Dogs, Phone Call, Sniff Seattle Bellevue Dog Walkers
The caller was looking for one of these... (Photo by Magnus Bråth/Flickr)

When something kind of funny happens, do I keep it to myself?: Or to I tell everybody? I think you know the answer to that!

So a few days ago, the phone rings. I answer it. It's a man who sounds a little frantic.

"We can't find the turtle...our family turtle. Do you have a dog that can sniff and find it?"

I was caught off-guard. Didn't really understand the question at first. I think I had him repeat what he was looking for three times. Sorry to the man on the phone, if you ever read this. I've never been asked that.

I explained that we didn't do anything like that. "You're Sniff Seattle, right?" he asked. "Well, yes..." I was having a hard time finding the words.

I was finally able to to tell him what we do: dog walking. And I wish I could've pointed him in the right direction. Off the top of my head, I don't know who to call. I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of services like that -- people with dogs who find things.

But all we have at our house are Pugs. They think they can do anything and everything. But I wouldn't stake the family turtle on it!

Don't tell Stewie I said that.

Jeanna from Sniff Seattle
Dog walker in "Sniff Seattle"
(206) 478-5183